Education Consultant
I am an international school leader, workshop leader for heads of school, and IB pedagogy and programme implementation, and a school evaluation visitor for CIS and IB.
I am available for online or face to face coaching and consultation in areas of school leadership, teaching, learning, assessment, curriculum, accreditation and evaluation, systems improvement, professional learning and more.
I regularly author articles for global education publications, on topics including assessment, online learning and the ongoing education reform requirements.
Theatre Specialist
I am an experienced theatre-maker and international teacher of Theatre. As a senior examiner, standardisation team member, curriculum review team member and pilot of the new DP Theatre course, I am available for teacher and student training, and as a curriculum coach for Theatre teachers across multiple international curricula.
Explore this site to learn more about the DP Theatre course, and to download free resources for teachers and students.
I am available for online or face to face consultancy, coaching, theatre making, workshops and festivals, or an artist's residency. I specialise in devising, directing and design, and am the author of a published book on immersive theatre.